Sunday, September 12, 2010

Culture Shock: 10 Random Differences I Noticed Between London and the Bay Area/U.S.

  1. People love squirrels here. No joke, they act like squirrels are equivalent to dogs or something. They pet them, feed them, take pictures with them, secretly try to take them home....if I was back in the bay, i'd be in some staring contest with a squirrel at SCU trying to figure out how I'm going to get out of my dorm without those beasts attacking me.
  2. Pidgeons - EVERYWHERE. However, the ones here seem to have been trained not to poop on people or fly away when you kick their heads. Back home, the human species is perfect for daily Pidgeon Pooping Target Practice.
  3. Everyone is stylish...hmm, maybe that's too general. For the most part though, the greater population of London knows how to dress "smart" (as they say here). You can catch mostly all the men wearing suits, a sports jacket and jeans or a nice blazer and pants---all while riding a bicycle. As for the women, just know that tights and boots are involved. 
  4. Like I mentioned in my previous post, even though the Brits drive on the wrong side ;], they still have managed to be some of the best drivers in the world! I have yet to see anyone do anything crazy like another state that I know *cough*California*cough*, but let me reiterate. THEY WILL RUN YOUR ASS OVER! Leave you without a pinky toe and feel no remorse.
  5. Black women are just as beautiful as other women here. There isn't as much of this whole "why can't black women get men" or "why are all black women single" debate going on here as it is in the states. Why? Because from what I've seen since being here a very, very short time is that black women are getting just as much play as anyone else out here. Once again, from what I'VE seen, it's mostly white british men that are snatching them but regardless, they're getting snatched up! Their appreciated a lot more out here. Which leads to my next point...
  6. The Black British/African men are checking for the sistahs even less than they do in the U.S. and that's saying something. I can honestly say that about 91.4% of the brothas that were in a relationship were with white women. Nothing wrong with that! Just pointing out differences. This also leads to my next point...
  7. Mixed race children are taking over out here. Biracial kids are still somewhat novelty back in the states but out here, whoooo, all I can say is I've never seen so much of that light brown, 3b/3c, curly hair in my life! It's a beautiful thing though. Black/white kids, Asian/white kids, Indian/Asian kids, French/African/British kids---the list goes on! No wonder the Brits think that mixed race people are the best looking- they're everywhere!
  8. Obesity isn't a problem here, like, at all. I knew it from the moment I ordered what's called "chicken bites" out here and would be called "chicken tenders" back home. So instead of getting 5 fried, lard butt pieces of chicken, I got 7 pea sized "bites" of chicken. There's no way to get fat! Now, I'm not hating on the portion sizes out here it's actually better that they don't give you a Hungry Man meal and expect you to finish it but I did NOT know that pea-size chicken tenders existed. I love the variety of food choices out here though (except for the lack of Mexican, I'm from the bay so it's lowkey mandatory that there be a Mexican restaurant or taqueria within 20 feet of you), just around the corner from where I live there are some Italian restaurants, a Lebanese restaurant, American style food, a pizerria, Chinese & Thai restaurants and at least 50 more that I haven't explored yet. Yum Yum.
  9. They give a sh*t more about their buildings, history, landscape and architecture. We give three sh*ts less.
  10. In the states, we looooove to make fun our world leaders/people in power. There just as much targets of ridicule as humans are during pidgeon pooping target practice. It's ridiculous (not that I'm not guilty of it too) but something that I admire about the Brits is that they gain a sense of pride through their monarchy. The queen is revered dearly and to this day, they love Princess Diana as if she never left. Any day of the week, you can catch people in Hyde Parck at the Palace gates leaving flowers for her. It's amazing. We do have a few people who can stir up that much pride for Americans as well, but even they get forgotten over time.
 So those are ten very random cultural differences that I've noticed. There are tons more that I've seen while only being here since last week...maybe I'll do a part two. Anyway, I just got back from the Thames River Festival which is a huge annual festival full of performances, workshops, good food, clothing vendors, tutorials (I learned how to make sushi!), art, dancing, and freebies. So much fun! I'm back in the South Ken for a little break (been there since morning) but I'm about to head back for the parade. The city is always abuzz and it is utterly impossible for you to be bored/not be able to find something to do. Me and London are definitely honeymoonin', I'm in love.


  1. Loooove #5 - at least i can now say that i know such a place exists lol

    2,4,8,9 are the same for spain
    they have this place called pans that's like everywhere. kinda like a hybrid mcdonalds & subway. you can order 3 chicken nuggets for 1.80 euros. such a random number if u ask me

  2. Glad you love our city!! living in the Royal bourough of Kensington and Chelsea, there are a few museums you can check out if its something that interests you and the even better catch is entrance is free for most and reasonably priced for some exhibitions. There is The V&A (Victoria and Albert) Natural History museum, Science Museum. Can also check out Harrods in Knightsbridge not too far and the routemaster Bus no 19 is a cheap way to see the sights too.

    For cheap deals on theatre, outings etc is a brilliant site. Enjoy Blighty!!

  3. Aww, if I wasn't so chuffed with moving to Switzerland in two years, I would so consider London. Glad you love where you live. It's nice to be proud of where you are. London sounds wonderful. I'm jealous! I'm still here in the US hehe, was born here, but I believe my heart and butt belong in Europe LOL!
    Thanks for posting...

  4. By the way, it is so amazing and wonderful to see so many Black women in all of Europe.
    I can't wait to move to Europe. I'm new here but will have to come visit you all!

  5. @kristyn - yess! london is where its at! although i'm sure your getting plenty in espana! ;]

    thanks for the tips anon! and silverwater, i don't know much about switzerland but sounds cool. and london is amazing! so if you do go to Switzerland make sure you try and take a holiday in the LDN sometime! thanks for reading BGA!
